
Le Castor Colorado

Le Castor Colorado

Rated 3.100 by BeerPals

Brewed by Microbrasserie Le Castor / The Castor Brewing Company

Rigaud, Quebec, Canada

Style:  Wild Ale

6.2% Alcohol by Volume

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Fermented with a wild yeast strain isolated by a craft brewer and yeast lab in Colorado, this beer exploits the strain's ability to produce fruity esters during primary fermentation. Add in a healthy dry-hopping regime with Pacific Northwest hops, and you have a beer that offers the consumer two choices: drink fresh and enjoy as you would any hoppy beer, or let a few bottles age to appreciate the evolution of Brett character over time. Fermentée avec une levure sauvage isolée par un brasseur artisanal et un laboratoire de levure du Colorado, cette bière révèle des esters fruités que produit cette souche de levure en fermentation primaire. Ajoutez-y une portion généreuse de houblon aromatique du Nord-Ouest Pacifique, et vous obtenez une bière qui vous offre deux choix: la boire jeune pour y apprécier ses saveurs houblonnées, ou la laisser vieillir pour découvrir l’évolution du caractère de la levure Brett à travers le temps.

ID: 72685 Last updated 3 years ago Added to database 5 years ago

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Overall Rank33910
Overall Percentile36.6
Style Rank952 of 1298
Style Percentile26.7
Lowest Score3.4
Highest Score3.4
Average Score3.400
Weighted Score3.100
Standard Deviation0.000

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1 Member Reviews

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  • CHOPZ 7213 reviews
    rated 3.4 5 years ago

    Aroma: 7 | Appearance: 8 | Mouthfeel: 6 | Flavor: 6 | Overall: 7

    Pours a hazy golden colour with an amber hue. Bug frothy-foamy warm cap, good retention and some soapy lace. Brett aromas with the wild yeast creating earthy tones and hints of plastic. This plasticy feeling is also in the taste, but with some orange juices and mild hops. Earthiness and nicely light dry finish. It alright all-around but the plastic feel is not the best. Could be from the hops, but I no like this.

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