English Barleywine

English Barleywine

662 beers | 3.749 Avg Score

Like the American barleywines, English barleywines are among the highest strength beers available (at least 8% alcohol by volume, normally more than 10%, and sometimes much higher), which is where their name is derived (like wine made from barley instead of grapes). They are typically orange-amber to deep brown in color with varying head sizes, sometimes cloudiness, and very thick bodies. Within the spectrum of beer styles, English barleywines are stronger (alcohol and malt) than English strong ales, ESB's, and brown ales. The same is generally true relative to old ales, although the latter can still be quite strong. English barleywines are distinguished from their American siblings in that they are generally less hoppy in aroma, flavor, and bitterness and feature English hops.